"Online Musican" was a tune I came up with after adding vocals to "Another Try"; its not very deep, none of them are.
Most of the songs I've put together had melodies with intended vocals in them.
This time I tried to develop the song around catchy vocals instead; I liked it a lot at first.
I just still feel very weird screaming in my apartment, although not a lot of people can hear me.
Because of that, I spent a lot of time editing a few bars instead of redoing entire takes.
I probably like this a bit more than the other songs, but hey.
I'm probably going to take a break for a bit; I'm burnt out -- these periods don't last very long.
In general I'm pretty disillusioned with the idea of turning this into "a living".
If I do, I'm going to have to work a lot harder and probably find a different way into using music.
Making crappy flash videos with 90s keyboards isnt a viable method.